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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

MCT: Thursday, September 17, 2020

3.3 Quake;
Shower Chance;
817 Cases;
Blue Skies;
Covid Testing;
Todd Capazelo;
Stay Vigilant;
Stanley Crouch;
Tabatha Report;
Ghost Gun;
Another Arson;
Car Radio;
Gualala Broadband;
River Dam;
Marbut Schmarbut;
1949 Bridge;
First McEwen;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dental Assist;
Old Phones;
California Notes;
More Offended;
Prejudiced Cops;
I'm Free;
Election Fraud;
Herd Immunity;
Old Bottles;
Holocaust Aware;
Shareholders First;
Open Seat;
Online Boycott;
Who Said;
Assange Hearing;
Found Object

MCT: Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Low Approaching;
Good Air;
Another Arsonist;
808 Cases;
Police Flags;
Kimberlin Paperback;
Salami McCarthy;
AVHC Improvements;
Big Fish;
Ed Notes;
Ukiah 1940s;
FB Finances;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mental Help;
Ukiah Stable;
Troubling Resignations;
Scott Street;
Gray Lives;
Elkhorn Hotel;
Gun Run;
Labor Camp;
War Games;
Hopland 1930s;
Enough Aloha;
Ukiah Garage;
Death Grief;
Stupid Question;
Open Seat;
Reddy Kilowatt;
No Warning;
Vote Bible;
Greenland Melt;
Wildfire Policy;
Found Object

MCT: Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Additional Evacuations;
Hotshots Napping;
802 Cases;
Sherwood Update;
Trash Beach;
Whale Rock;
Ed Notes;
Old Coast;
Harbor Denizen;
Yesterday's Catch;
Matrix Entertainment;
Northern Lights;
Intense Obsessions;
1952 Footballers;
Shutdown Pop-ups;
1977 Queue;
Mega Growers;
Another Universe;
Responsible Citizen;
Always Remember;
NFL Kneeling;
Ice Melt;
Extreme Inequality;
Quandary Convergence;
Found Object

MCT: Monday, September 14, 2020

Rain Chance;
Evacuation Order;
789 Cases;
Evacuations Lifted;
Satellite View;
Waiting Room;
Litter Training;
Tangents Closing;
La Nina;
Fire Hoax;
Defensible Space;
1931 Fire;
Swinging Bridge;
Skunk Engineers;
State Option;
Early Logging;
Police Reports;
Navy Blimp;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Vote Early;
MRC Pellets;
Boom Brigade;
Icon Smote;
Isla Negra;
Cat Guy;
Accuse First;
Ultimate Responsibility;
Traitor Within;
Record Fires;
Mega Grows;
Covid Dining;
Dumbing Down;
Barr Babe;
Class Tension;
Cemetery Chat;
Truck Lightning;
Remembering Alex

MCT: Sunday, September 13, 2020

Oak Fire;
August Complex;
Smoke Thinning;
Golden State;
785 Cases;
Thomas Miller;
Pet Wiley;
Macdonald Book;
Housing Bill;
Feeding Nevermore;
Ed Notes;
Noyo Vista;
Voters Guide;
William Standley;
Yesterday's Catch;
Red Ryder;
Demoralized Pollinators;
Greenwood Rock;
Racist Friend;
Early Ukiah;
Story Life;
2020 Treats;
Silence Types;
Reclaim Populism;
Hicks Sketch;
Tiny Spark;
Pandemic Consumption;
2020 Calendar;
Really Stupid;
Interconnected Disasters;
Found Object

MCT: Saturday, September 12, 2020

Widespread Smoke;
Oak Fire;
Zero Cases;
August Complex;
Activity Restricted;
Air Now;
Elk Ridge;
Air Advisory;
Ukiah High;
Self Defense;
Grammar School;
Cleaning Up;
Arson Nabbed;
Mission Taco;
Ed Notes;
Hotel Cecille;
Media Attention;
Ukiah Courthouse;
Hotelier Defense;
Tortoise Heist;
Colombini Grocery;
Streetscape Update;
Yesterday's Catch;
Forest Management;
Vote Jo;
Fawn Cafeteria;
Peaceful Yuts;
Farmers Club;
Crooked Politicians;
Trump Song;
Desenan's Barbecue;
Water Trash;
Which Revelation;
Active Opposition;
Offical Language;
Portland Protests;
Abalone Notice;
Whose Fault;
CNN Boss;
Understanding Germany;
Allende's Farewell;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, September 11, 2020

More Smoke;
One Resurrection;
Oak Fire;
August Complex;
Albion Sky;
Microgrid Machinations;
Squaw Rock;
ATV Evacuation;
Brooktrails Repopulating;
Courthouse Gents;
Apple Press;
Willits Decisions;
Anton Stadium;
CVS Experience;
Freighter Cruising;
La Nina;
Bogner Moving;
Yesterday's Catch;
Keller's Band;
Women Known;
Downtown Ukiah;
Fascism Transition;
Hutchison & Roeder;
Remote Schooling;
Who Better;
Q Who;
Album House;
Herd Immunity;
2020 to Life;
Orange Menace;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, September 10, 2020

Abundant Smoke;
Martian Landscape;
Oak Fire;
Another Death;
Forest Fires;
Lynda Aubrey;
Apocalyptic Skies;
Two Rocks;
Zoom Rochat;
Place Hotel;
August Complex;
Relocated Pomos;
Ed Notes;
Ring Toss;
$500 Reward;
No Country;
Power Restoration;
Yesterday's Catch;
Fishing Family;
Still Evil;
Left Note;
Say Hi;
Anti-vax Book;
Point Cabrillo;
Oregon Fire;
Peter Sellers;
Assange Defense;
Defoe Pilloried;
Found Object

MCT: Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Winds Diminish;
Satellite Views;
Oak Fire;
Animal Care;
Ruddy Ukiah;
Evacuee Quarantine;
777 Cases;
Purple SIP;
Remembering Miguel;
Landmark Damaged;
Air Quality;
August Complex;
PA Fatality;
Philo Incident;
Yorkville Fundraiser;
Ed Notes;
Courthouse Thoughts;
$100 Bills;
Yesterday's Catch;
1619 Project;
MRC Deadzones;
Covid Deaths;
His Base;
Paint Out;
Forest Closures;
Vote Mari;
Edu Choices;
Ceres Courier;
Birthday 82;
Found Object
