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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Feb 17, 2016)

Unless and until we return to the concept of one person-one vote we will continue to be corrupted by the 1%.

Who are the 1%? Not just the billionaires, not just the global corporations, but also the congressmen and congresswomen who have been bought by them.

Letters (Feb 10, 2016)

What’s all this smack-talk about Ortner Management Group? Tom Ortner is a genius.

Just look at his tax returns. And State filings. The ones for Willow Glen Care Center over in Yuba City. You can find them at the Registry of Charitable Trusts. Back in 2000, he was serving 1.7 million taxpayers from there in fifteen counties. At 68¢ a head. Then things went to Hell in a handbag. And Willow Glen went off the radar for a few years. But Tom came back. To Nevada County. At $1.02. In 2008.

Letters (Feb 3, 2016)

More blah, blah, blah from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. about how non-solar consumers are being treated unfairly by selfish solar consumers, and darn it, that's not fair. PG&E spends billions of dollars on insane executive compensation, shareholder dividends ($800 million a year), non-stop lobbying and advertising before they even consider their virtually fixed annual profits, which are derived by nothing more than a confusing formula they hand the California Public Utilities Commission which furrows their proverbial brow and then rubber-stamps rate increases.

Letters (Jan 27, 2016)

I was dismayed to see what was an obviously biased letter posted online in your "Mendocino County Today" column titled, "Sage Non-Persons Her Critics." Placing it there gives it an air of veracity. In fact, the letter's author has been part of a personal, months-long social media campaign against the Mendocino Animal Care Services shelter, promulgating hurtful, fact-free opinions, and bashing the competence and morality through the use of inflammatory rhetoric.

Letters (Jan 20, 2016)

Ever hike near a waterfall? You can feel the aerosol from hundreds of feet away. The science behind toilets shows that whenever one flushes a toilet, the toilet lid should be closed during flushing to minimize the aerosol from the toilet. E. coli bacteria has been found across whole houses where toilet seats are left up during flushing. If you're not closing the lid at home, just consider where your toothbrush sits in relation to your toilet. Public bathrooms should have lids on the toilet, and people should stop being sexist about something so mundane as a toilet seat.

Letters (Jan 13, 2016)

There are important liability implications in the September 2015 Surprise Federal Audit Report of Mendocino County Mental Health. The County programs are now officially documented as deficient to non-existent, and outside of standards of participation for publicly funded programs.

Letters (Jan 6, 2016)

I have heard the remorse and desperation in the local farmers’ voice regarding the impending legalization of the Herb here in California as it must be so in 2016.

“Vote no! No! No” they cry!

They have seen visions of the miles of neat green rows racing off in each direction from Highway 5, the seas of green crop destined to drop the price of the almighty pound to something along the lines of organic asparagus.

Letters (Dec 30, 2015)

On the issue of the airport Timber Harvest Plan (THP, non industrial) it seems that folks the likes of Roger Sternberg, and Kendall Smith (unrelated to the airport) keep on going with their over the top costs and charges, based upon their own agendas. They may not be at fault in the big picture to have all of us pay their way; it is up to management (in this case, perhaps someone from or appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Letters (Dec 23, 2015)

I find that I cannot ignore the groundless remarks by David Severn in his letter to the AVA last week. His featherbrained comments criticized me for what he described as my "degrading and trivializing" of the recent Community Dinner at The Grange in Philo. This is such a misrepresentation of what I wrote that I must address it. I did no such thing.
