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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Dec. 28, 2016)

In response to Todd Walton's article "The Greater Good" - Proposition 13, at least as I understand it, was originally supposed to allow old people on fixed incomes to keep their homes.

Letters (Dec. 21, 2016)

From the beginning of Blackbird Farm in 2013, an unaccredited nonprofit, the 24 "students" brought in for 11 day stays have been housed in yurts - 12 boys in one, 12 girls in another. During the fall a year and a half ago on the one night between outgoing and incoming "students" that none were sleeping on site a very large tree came crashing down, totally destroying one of the yurts.

Letters (Dec. 14, 2016)

Keegan Personal Protective Equipment (KPPE) requirements per OSHA: Hard hat, eye protection, hearing earplugs, hobnail/safety steel-toed boots, mouth restrictor, Kevlar vest, Kevlar underwear, and perhaps some penicillin. Oh yeah, and don’t forget the big RAT TRAP! Along with percussion gear around bathrooms.

Letters (Dec. 7, 2016)

Now that this year's grape crop is in and before next year's season I want to share my thoughts about the wind machines in the Valley (and hope you'll stop writing about them). I have them on both sides of me and I think it is silly to carry on about how bad they are. It does sound like a bunch of helicopters landing outside my house if I open the door but my Monitor heating stove makes more noise in the house and comes on throughout the night.

Letters (Nov. 30, 2016)

The No on Measure AF Committee extends its thanks and gratitude to the voting public for listening to our thoughtful arguments and voting to reject Measure AF. For some, economic considerations drove their decision; for others, it was unwanted neighborhood and environmental impacts.

Letters (Nov. 23, 2016)

I wake up this morning to discover that one week after the election, my vote has yet to be counted in Mendocino County. What? Perhaps by Christmas? This is inexcusable, and it prompts voters, whose only choice is to mail in their ballots, to not vote at all.

Letters (Nov. 16, 2016)

Many of us are reeling at the results of the national election. But whether you agree or disagree with the outcome, there are fundamental questions about the fairness and integrity of our election process.

Letters (Nov. 9, 2016)

The unfortunate situation with the Mendocino College athletes has come to my attention and deserves the attention of others. The 17 students, mostly African-American, are now living in a building adjacent to the Assembly of God Church at 395 N. Barnes St. in Ukiah.

Letters (Nov. 2, 2016)

I am a rancher, grape farmer, winery owner in Mendocino County for the past 16 harvests. Whether you are in favor of Cannabis or not here are some facts to consider regarding Cannabis and Measure AF on our November ballot.
