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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters to the Editor 7/22/2009

SONOMA V. SALMON Greetings Editor: The water on the brain issue — Once again the Teflon coated Sonoma County Water Agency is up to its usual deceptions and is gleefully exploiting the relative innocence of…

Letters to the Editor 7/15/2009

WE KNOW Dear Mr. Anderson: I was provided a copy of your response to my letter regarding my client, David Gurney. The information that Mr. McEwen obtained is all contained within a police report prepared…

Letters to the Editor 7/08/09

AIM IT OVER THERE Editor, You may remember several years back that a cell phone tower was erected outside our gate on Sam Prather's property. At that time there were a lot of “tinfoil hats”…

Letters to the Editor 7/1/2009

MORE THAN A WINDSHIELD Editor, Based on the letter in the June 17, 2009, AVA (“In the interest of justice”), it sounds like Ernest Elliot Sr., “Chief of the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians,” is…

Thought Guardians

Editor, We are locked down here for the second time this month. I’m reading your June 17, 2009, issue, the one with your poignant “Welcome Rastafarians!” Followed by “See p. 9.” There being only eight…


Dear AVA, I am appalled at the complete lack of mainstream corporate-media coverage of the 2008 Winter Soldier hearings (held last week in Maryland). These hearings contained important, powerful testimony from men and women who…

Bob Williams Remembers Judi Bari

To: Mr. Paul Grabowicz,The Tribune,P.O. Box 24304Oakland, CA 94623 Dear Paul: Thanks for sending your two articles on Judi Bari. You and Carolyn do a better job of presenting the unbiased facts than many Bay…
