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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Bad Beth Bosk

Dear Editor: In response to reader replies and stirrings from Beth Bosk, I was curious about a comment that Chad Lewis made about Beth Bosk not working.   Being a curious sort, I let my fingers…

Letters to the Editor 1/13/2009

ANIMAL INSTINCTS Editor, After reading Lee Simon's letter in the 12/30 edition, I came across the following: written by Henri Cole in the January 14, 2010 edition of the New York Review of Books. The…

Letting Go

Editor, I wrote this while I was in Mendocino County Jail wishing that I was out fishing on the beautiful Navarro River with my son Noah. I thought you would enjoy it. Navarro — It's…

Why Bother

Dear Editor, I came across your newspaper through a friend and even though I have never lived in Anderson Valley — Healdsburg was the closest I came to it — I feel an appreciation and…

You’re in Good Hands

Editor, A basketball in my hands is worth about $19. A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million. It depends on whose hands it in. A baseball in my hand is worth…

Who’s Getting Released?

Dear AVA, Thank you for sending your book, “Mendocino Noir”! I received the note to retrieve my book here at Soledad prison from the package room on December 14 but I was unable to actually…

Letters to the Editor 1/6/2009

TRUST THE TRUSTEE To the editor: Thanks to the thousands of voters in Mendocino and Lake counties for their incredible support during the election for Mendocino-Lake Community College District Area Five trustee. Not only in…

Open Letter to John Coate

Dear John Coate, KZYX GM I wrote your colleague, news director Paul Hansen, a lengthy email on Dec 1 about the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Board’s concern that John Sakowicz not become KZYX's official news reporter…
