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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters to the Editor

MARGINALIA Editor: Here are some humbly suggested marginalia. Comparisons are slippery. Any ordinary city is in fact two cities, one a city of the poor, the other of the rich. Each at war with the…

Railroading Rexrode

It was Grand Central Station for medical marijuana the night I met Russell Rexrode at the Johnny Winters Music Fest at the Navarro General Store.

Letters to the Editor

SOFTPOCALYPS NOW Greetings Editor: News From An Alien Planet: Certain signs of the upcoming “soft-pocalypse.” It's sort of like the future “Hard Apocalypse,” but with training wheels. • Increased energy bills but less energy. •…

Supes Get it Wrong on Animal Services

Next Tuesday the Board of Supervisors will meet to vote on budget cuts to county services. Among the unpleasant decisions rests the fate of the dogs and cats in the care of the county shelters.…

Letters to the Editor

CRUDE REMEDY Greetings Editor: Perhaps there is an immediate remedy (although not “politically correct”) to the countless gallons of “sweet, light crude” gushing from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico from the British Petroleum…

Callahan for Judge

To The Editor: I am a personal friend of Caren Callahan’s and am writing regarding her candidacy for Superior Court Judge. Caren did not follow the traditional path in becoming a lawyer. She began her…

More Hamburg Endorsements

Dan Hamburg is the outstanding candidate for 5th District Supervisor. He has hands-on experience in local government as a Mendocino County Supervisor and Ukiah Planning Commissioner, as well as nationally as a US Congressman. Dan's…
