This is what I remember about the violence. There was almost none until police attacked demonstrators that Tuesday in Seattle. Michael Meacher, environment minister of the United Kingdom, said afterward, “What we hadn't reckoned with…
Posts published in “from the archives…”
January 12 — Internet magazine runs a feature story by free-lancer Daniel Forbes explaining how the Drug Czar’s office — the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which reports to the President — remunerates…
AVA: You spent a lot of time investigating the Judi Bari Bombing case, and you've kept up with developments related to it since. In your film for KQED the most likely suspect in the suspect pool…
Judge Conrad Cox’s long awaited decision on the North Cliff Motel in Fort Bragg mostly favored the “one-story-too-tall” motel developer, Dominic Affinito. The Mendocino County Superior Court Judge pointedly thumbed his nose at the California…
It won't come as news to most AVA readers, but as I was recently reminded, there's no narcissism like New Age narcissism. “New Age” ideas allow the already self-absorbed to go beyond mere egotism into…
I mentioned to a friend that I’d tried to get the Mateel Community Center to rent me space to present the Who Bombed Judi Bari Road Show, now in its third month of growing audiences…
Since we put the Veterans window in at Rossi Hardware’s display window on Armistice Day and, apparently because of the impact of the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” I have had a number of people say…
RE: OPERATION PIPELINE Bruce, I live in Seattle, and as you know we have turned a corner here. This is real serious stuff. During the Ollie North trials it was accidentally revealed that there was…