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Posts published in “from the archives…”

The Consequences of Pink

Pink was not happy. He felt sick inside, sick and angry, and lay on the bed clutching his stomach and rocking back and forth, moaning. These were the times he wished for a roommate, someone…

Infant Huns Invade Living Room

In August during football practice the Boonville sun was brutal, unrelenting. It smacked you upside the head, bloodying your ear and fattening your lip. Its bold and thrusting knee turned your niblick to mash, and…

Of Lilacs and Lambs

On an ordinary day of shopping for life's boring necessities in Ukiah, even when punctuated by more enlivened pursuits, not a whole lot happens that could be called excitement or drama. So I immediately noticed…

How to Fix Baseball

My job is to devise a whole new set of rules and concepts to shorten the time it takes to play a game of Major League BASEBALL, or any other kind.  Everybody agrees that Baseball…

Where Is Jaime Vasquez?

Two Saturday nights ago, at about 10pm, Jaime Vasquez, 29, was taken from his car at gunpoint by four masked men. The abduction of the youthful farmworker occurred on a lonely dirt road less than…

A Story of Opening Day

There is no better beginning to a week than watching a baseball game, and there is no better baseball game than Opening Day, that mythic beast full of bunting and beer and overpriced peanut shells…

Doing It for the Kids

Gov. Gray Davis “steered public schooling in a decidedly pro-business direction yesterday” with his appointment of Donald Fisher, big daddy of The Gap, Inc., to the California Board of Education. So wrote SF Chronicle reporter…

Freud, Zionism, and Vienna

This is a parable worth a few lines here, although it derives from a rather peculiar personal experience of mine which has attracted unusual, if undeserved, media and public attention. Ordinarily, I don't use myself…
