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Posts published in “from the archives…”

The Fashion Show

Carol Hatcher of So Hum expressed interest in a recent story involving a State Parks ranger at Russian Gulch. Ms. Hatcher may recall that defense attorney Bart Kronfeld had filed a Pitchess Motion at the…

At the Edge of the Woods

Let's get straight here, what one operator can reasonably expect as a return on his energy. Not much, really, if you're carrying it all in on your back – amendment, pearlite, plant food, organic guanos…

Rahm & Ralph

Hail to the Chief of Staff The first trumpet blast of change ushers in Rahm Emanuel as Obama’s chief of staff and gatekeeper. This is the man who arranges his schedule, staffs out the agenda,…

Imbecilic Tedium

The presidential campaign plummeted into imbecilic tedium last night in Nashville as Barack Obama and John McCain faced off in the second debate. The encounter took place against the vivid backdrop of economic catastrophe, the…

Change? Hope? Obama Must Have Been Talking About Joe Biden!

“Change” and “hope” are not words one associates with Senator Joe Biden, a man so ripely symbolic of everything that is unchanging and hopeless about our political system that a computer simulation of the corporate-political…

Maxwell’s Hammer

I'm a retired teacher and a reporter for the Sonoma County Free Press and have been investigating the bombing of Judi Bari since 1995. Below, I've prepared a summary of my investigation and a description of some new evidence

The People’s Ball

“I am running for President because I believe that to actually make change happen — to make this time different than all the rest — we need a leader who can finally move beyond the…
