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Posts published in “Dr. Zack”

Brazil To Decriminalize All Drugs?

Does the state have the legal authority to punish adults for the choices they make in private, if they don't hurt others?

A Texas Flood Story

The overflowing Blanco River tears the heart out of the community.

Me and Dago

Remembering legendary Memphis outlaw Charles "Dago" Tiller.

Prison and Climate Change

From enabling disaster capitalism to compounding horrid living conditions, this infographic exposes the connections between the prison system and climate change.

Spoiled Feral Children > ISIS?

I propose an immediate military draft for all children ages 3 through 29. Homosexual? You're in, but walk in backwards. Bi? You're in, but walk in…

Jail Clinton, Free Snowden!

Patriot-Rebel is in hiding from NSA agents, El Nino and dog-walkers. And he must stay in hiding because he knows they'll kill him. And call it suicide. Car failure. Plane crash. Or WMDs.
