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Posts published in “Dr. Zack”

Buffalo Bill and the Grand Duke

It was the highlight of his “Grand Tour.” Twenty-two-year-old Grand Duke Alexis, sixth child of Russian Emperor Alexander II, had arrived in the US the previous November to tour North America. After calling on President…

“The Perfume of a Minute…”

DISAPPOINTMENT— William Hazlitt (1778-1830) I have done: and if I have done no better, the fault has been in me, not in the subject. My liking to this grew with my knowledge of it: but…


Adventure in Old Iraq

"All day we had ridden across a flat plain, and the dust rose from under the horses' hooves and choked us. The rains had failed, as they so often did, and the plants that had…

The Coal Mining Life

Men making money the old-fashioned way: in a coal mine 500 feet deep.
