Posts published in “Dr. Zack”
How does America extricate itself from the death grip of corrupt buffoons, zombie shills, and despicable sociopaths overwhelming our government and souls? tps://
Hetch Hetchy is one of a magnificent brotherhood of Yosemite Valleys, distant from Yosemite Valley, so-called, eighteen or twenty miles in a northwesterly direction, but by the only trail the distance is not less than…
The White HouseWashington, DCJanuary 22, 1908 My dear Mr. Kent: I have just received from Secretary Garfield your very generous letter enclosing the gift of Redwood Canyon to the national government to be kept as…
Paret was a Cuban, a proud club fighter who had become welterweight champion because of his unusual ability to take a punch. His style of fighting was to take three punches to the head in…