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Posts published in “Dr. Zack”

One Bloody Magic Word

One Magic Wordby Simone Weil One magic word today seems capable of compensating for all sufferings, resolving all anxieties, avenging the past, curing present ills,…

Plutarch on Spartacus

The insurrection of the gladiators and their devastation of Italy, which is generally called the war of Spartacus, originated as follows: one Lentulus Batiates kept…

Slavery and the Romans

Tools of the Trade by Peter Stothard Around two thousand years ago, a Latin poet described a farmer named Simylus making a pesto for his…

The Red Peony

In Greek mythology the peony is tied to a nymph named Paeonia. The beautiful maiden attracts the attention of Apollo, who flirts with her. Noticing…
