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Posts published in “Essays”

Dog, Gone

Twelve years ago we were heading north on 101 with our new doggie and Trophy said, Let’s stop a minute at the Hopland Superette. She went inside, dog and I stayed in the parking lot. …

Bondage at the Oscars

If ever there were steps of power that need storming by an angry mob, they are those of the Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard on Oscars Night. Truth be told, I don’t know if the…

Fraudulent Frisco

Have you ever felt like a fraud? Maybe you have at some juncture in your own life. Right now I feel like an imposter. I live in San Francisco, but I don't think of myself…

Mendo’s  First ‘Aliens’ & POWs

If readers were ever curious about how WWII effected Mendocino citizens, here’s one answer. While many people are familiar with the internment camps for people of Japanese ancestry that the government established during World War…

Sixty Dozen Eggs

On January 20, 1913, the Albion Lumber Co. ordered sixty dozen eggs from the J. T. Farrer Store in downtown Boonville. The eggs were packed in two wooden egg cases, which each held thirty dozen…

Huelga! Anderson Valley’s First Strike

CESAR CHAVEZ'S BIRTHDAY was Thursday the 31st. As we remember the crucial movement Chavez launched, we remind persons interested in Chavez and the UFW that the best book on Chavez is Frank Bardacke's Cesar Chavez…

Organizing Amazon — An Inside Job

The front-page headline was no April Fool’s Day prank: “Amazon Workers on Staten Island Vote to Unionize.” The Times would devote three days to the story, which took many “experts” by surprise. The Retail, Wholesale…

Back To Work!

MEMO: To All Staff FROM: Management RE: Back to Work! March 21, 2022 Hello, and welcome back to the office!  (Note: This is being sent to all employees of record. Those employed by MEGA INC.…

Jack Flew Over The Retirement Nest

SCENE: Middle age couple pushing wheelchair into hospital, cranky old man (JACK NICHOLSON) aboard. At reception desk is LOUISE FLETCHER.  Jack’s children agree the “Bronze Plan” (least expensive) is sufficient for dad’s food, housing and…
