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Posts published in “Essays”


“Is this that political-type paper,” a tentative female voice asked when I picked up the phone. I suppose, I answered, forever not knowing what might…

Why We Have A Public Library In Covelo

If one looked at a map of California and Northeastern Mendocino County a person would see a lot of National Forest; the Snow Mountain, Thatcher…

United States Becoming A Failed State?

Is the United States becoming a failed state? The performance of our elected officials now, in the MAGA era, certainly seems to indicate that it…

John Muir, The Untold Story

Cast Out of Eden: The Untold Story of John Muir, Indigenous Peoples, and the American Wilderness. By Robert Aquinas McNally. University of Nebraska Press; May…

Goodbye To All That [December 1999]

Somewhere around mid-November the Y2K whimpering died down out of sheer exhaustion. Humboldt County [where Cockburn lived at the time of this writing] is calm.…

Big Tech Accelerates Isolationism

By producing such extremes of wealth, big tech is returning us to a kind of feudalism, with a few powerful figures accountable to no one.…

The Little Things That Count [1950]

San Francisco. Sentimental expatriates say, “You can leave it—but it never leaves you.” It has three approaches by land, only one of which is free.…

Liberalism Without Accountability

Witnessing the hundreds of militarized police being deployed to round up student protesters, many people in the United States and across the world may be…

Tobacco Takes Series Against Me, 2-0

In a lifetime filled with exciting adventures and thrilling escapades, only two have involved nicotine. Both these tobacco-related encounters were also thrilling and exciting, but…
