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Posts published in “Essays”

When It Comes to War…We’re All Profiteers

Guns or butter. Butter or guns. If you take both, you’ll run out of funds.  For generations, the economic textbooks taught that a country had to choose between fighting well or living well. Yet for…

Where Were They When It Counted?

The weekend before Thanksgiving, as the Taliban fled into the Hindu Kush and America’s children flocked to Harry Potter, the nation’s opinion formers discovered that the Bush administration had hijacked the Constitution with the Patriot…

Tenth Mountain Mule

We led mules, one GI to each mule, just another exercise for us and the mules and none of us knowing where we were headed or what for. Situation normal. Tenth Mountain Division, winter in…

Frank Cieciorka: Art as Weapon

Frank Cieciorka is the male half of Alderpoint's only two-artist household and Karen Horn is the female half. Although their journeys to Humboldt County's eastern frontier are as different as the art they make, the…

Karen Horn: Artist in Residence

Karen Horn and Frank Cieciorka arrived in Alderpoint by different paths, but paths much like those trod by many of us as we retreated north from the Bay Area at the close of the 1960's.…

Ticklin’ Daddy’s Toes

Gotcha! I’ll bet that title has just enough of an Ew! Gross! ring to perk up everyone’s prurient interest. Now, the big letdown. The Daddy I’m talking about isn’t really anybody’s Daddy at all; well,…

The Questions Not Asked as the Empire Strikes Back

Five days after the assault, Americans have ingested a TV, radio and print diet of bombast, hyperbole and sheer nonsense. The messages from our elected leaders, so-called experts and actors posing as TV anchors have…
