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Posts published in “Essays”

The Ghosts of Hoover Tangle with Earth First (and lose)

When the jury awarded $4.4 million in the victorious Federal law suit of Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney versus the FBI and Oakland Police Department (OPD) last week, eleven years after the case was first…

Guilty as Charged

Summer without warmth, the dark cavity that whispers your name, a necrophiliac’s dream: life draining from gray limbs

Watergate and the War Against Terrorism

As I tried to explain to my class about the tradition of individual rights and the various attempts of the Executive Branch to usurp various and sundry of those rights over the years, a student’s…

Harvey the Ho of Wall Street

Washingtonians have been diverted of late by a dumpy, bearded, middle-aged man running  around on Pennsylvania Avenue wearing only white patent-leather, calf-length boots, a blue wig, a thong and two tassels attached to the silver…

Death, Juries and Scalia

Amid all the assaults on the Bill of Rights, the trashing of the Bill of Rights in the Patriot Act, the denial of habeas corpus to citizens, amid all this, in the span of one…

The Mysterious Death of Judi Bari

When I first met Judi Bari, she was lying in a hospital bed in Oakland, California, recovering from a bomb blast that ripped through her lower body and nearly killed her. As we spoke, she…

Deadly Ambition in Ashland

They left to see Macbeth — not in thunder, lightning, or rain, but… snow! A light blizzard was blowing on the Northern California mountain passes as they cruised past Crescent City, driving an old Ford…
