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Posts published in “Essays”

Socio-Math Problems for KZYX Listeners

1. Jill and Karen were given a rottweiler at their commitment ceremony. If their dog needs to be walked two miles a day and they walk at a rate of x miles per hour, how…

Roederer Adopts Gallo Strategy

Roederer, Inc., as predicted, has now made it clear it will attempt to slowly strangle its vineyard workers’ union. The French-owned winery — the oldest family-owned winery in the world, and certainly among the most…

Supervisors Pay Panel Wraps Up

Do they deserve more money? Should it be put to a vote? Does the law say only the Grand Jury has the authority to raise the pay of the five-person Mendocino County Board of Supervisors?…

Bigger Than the S&L Bailout: Why Prop 9 Should Pass

Californians have a chance not only to do themselves a lasting favor on November 3, the can also defeat a particularly outrageous piece of corporate piracy before it ends up costing the nation more than…

The Night of the Long Knives (July 29, 1998)

“Well,” I heard a male voice behind me say, “looks like the passive-aggressives are out in force tonight,” as we arrived at the Philo headquarters of KZYX, Mendocino County’s more or less public radio station…

Beyond the Garden Gate

One of my first memories is of a huge Victorian on McAllister Street near Fillmore in San Francisco where my family lived in 1944. The rambling old house had been hurriedly partitioned off into apartments…

Why Barry Melton Hates Norm Vroman

Ukiah public defender Barry “The Fish” Melton sent press releases to all Mendo County news media this week misrepresenting District Attorney candidate Norm Vroman’s past troubles with the IRS. KZYX Program manager Teresa Simon read…


1968 Zen was in. I tried without success to master ‘living in the now.’ 1998 Now, of course, it is simple. Living in the now obviously was a concept conceived by old men. I am…
