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Posts published in “Essays”

Israel: Point/Counterpoint

Michael Harris: Jeff Blankfort, a veteran anti-Zionist, seems quite upset that my recent letter in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat was reprinted in the Advertiser. While I guess I should be flattered that I inspired…

On Putin’s War: Talking With A ‘Tankie’

(All dialogue based on real interaction). Me: Hi friend. Nice to see you. So, as predicted and feared, Putin invaded the Ukraine, even though you and your fellow travelers said that was all USA hype.…

Dazed & Abused, We Hike London

If we’d planned to insert ourselves into the middle of the royal mess of the logistical nightmare that knotted London’s streets for many blocks following the death of Her Majesty, we’d have picked the St.…

Don’t Worry Darling: Black Comedy Under the Desert Sun

(Warning: I’m really not sure if this review is one big spoiler. Any movie with a central reveal risks its own spoilation, especially when the secret will be divined during the screening by some, maybe…

Psychedelic Bluegrass

When I was in high school my father would get home from his San Francisco law office at around 7 and, much to my mother’s chagrin as she shushed two hungry, complaining teenagers, walked over…

Our Times: Fascism Isn’t Looming

Either Mussolini or my high school civics teacher defined fascism as “government, business and labor working together in the interests of business.” By this definition fascism isn’t looming in the US, fascism is here, having…

The Queen Is Rotting in Her Grave

While vacationing on the East Coast in September, I watched TV and couldn't help noticing that Queen Elizabeth died, her scoundrel son, Charles, was the king and that there had been a changing of the…

Our Founding Realtor

We celebrated President’s Day in February, so it seemed like a good time to look beneath the blizzard of conventional admiration for George Washington, the nation’s founding realtor.  America’s founders were eloquent in their speeches…
