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Posts published in “Essays”

Fertilizing Grassroots Radio

Community radio enthusiasts descended onto the small town of Garberville, California on May 14th-16th for the 15th Annual Grassroots Radio Confer­ence. Sta­tion managers, show hosts, producers and newsmakers from around the country gathered for the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Just as we did last week for Rod Basehore, I once again I entreat you to join in with a collective Valley…

In Good Company?

A look at Fort Bragg's newest drinking establishment

3-D glasses are totally hip.

Friday was a long day peppered frequently with “Is it 4 yet?”  I had made the mistake the day before of telling him that at 4 o’clock tomorrow, “We are going to go see the…

Joshua Tree

At some point in the winter I started having fantasies about dragging some friends to Joshua Tree to see the desert in bloom and do some rock climbing.  I had climbed in gyms previously and…

Closet Politics

Sexual politics command passions in American political life far more powerful than those currently focused on Wall Street bankers or on BP. By conven­tional measures Elena Kagan should sail through her nomination by President Obama…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you’re sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The Anderson Valley Theater Guild will present its 2010 production over two week­ends in the very near future. The play is entitled ‘Dearly…
