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Posts published in “Essays”

Goodbye, Gingrich?

Sick with disappointment that I missed the Tin-Tin movie showing in Eureka, I had to settle for Obama’s State of the Union and Thursday’s Republican debate in Jacksonville. Await a presidential State of the Union…

Landmark Trees

Scattered through the mountains surrounding Anderson Valley are many natural openings that had been in grass mostly since man came to the Valley. Over the last hundred years or so the open land has been…

Passing Strange II

Last fall I wrote a short piece, ‘Passing Strange,’ about the detention of my son, Franklin, by Customs and Immigration officials at Heathrow Airport. Franklin had flown to the United Kingdom in early September to…

HumCo Extends Dispensary Freeze

With legal issues unresolved and federal threats still looming, the county's moratorium on medical marijuana dispensary applications has been extended by ten and a half months. Unanimously approved at the Jan. 24 Board of Supervisors…

Images of Inhabiting the Social World

The following link is to the slides from a project I created for a class I am taking for my social work program. I could give you the back story but the images and short…

Memo Of The Week

To: The County of Mendocino, 501 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, California To whom it may concern: This letter is religious in nature. It concerns the City of Ten-Thousand Buddhas (CCTB) located in Talmage, California. Please…

Here He Comes Again!

Newt Gingrich is a one-man, made-in-America melt­ing pot. Here’s a committed devotee of tooth-and-claw capitalism, vultures perched on both shoulders, advocate of 8-year old black children working as janitors — cam­paigning with a pro-worker film…
