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Posts published in “Essays”

A History Of Forgetting In Mendocino County

It took until March for a smattering of steelhead to run up flat-bottomed Gibson Creek, a watercourse that flows past the house where I live, in a fastidiously well-manicured section of West Side Ukiah (water-intensive…

Sources Of Wonder

“Our soul is cast into a body, where it finds number, time, dimension. Thereupon it reasons, and calls this nature necessity, and can believe nothing else.” — Blaise Pascal Marcia and I watched the movie…

Marketing Redwood

Fueled by $750,000 of Headwaters Fund money, the county’s Economic Development Division will launch a marketing campaign touting the county’s most well-known resource product — redwood lumber. At its April 24 meeting, the county’s Board…

Spare Change

Two things are remarkable about the last 35,000 years of human history: that things have remained so stable, and that so much has changed. If, as Pablo Picasso is said to have remarked, we have…

Europeans Have Had Enough!

Watch Europe tip left and right as voters rise in fury against the austerity menu that’s been bringing them to utter ruin. In Holland, the right-wing Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders brought down the governing…

Was Susan Keegan Murdered Over A Year Ago? by Bruce Anderson

Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster said, “No comment” recently when he was asked if the investigation into the untimely and improbable death of Susan Keegan in November of 2010 was ongoing. Eyster's terse refusal…

Last Waltz Out-Takes

In 1976 The Band staged a farewell-to-the-road concert, “The Last Waltz,” at Winterland in San Francisco. Levon Helm, Robbie Robertson, Richard Manuel, Rick Danko and Garth Hudson played a dozen of their own great songs…
