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Posts published in “Essays”

The Pynchon I Knew

Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles County is part of the so-called South Bay, south of Santa Monica. It was mostly populated by middle-class white people when I grew up there in the 1950s, and was…

Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Senior citizens and two-year old children, loggers and shepherds, chefs and caterers, journalists and hack writers, schoolteachers and AVHS alumni, brewers and…

Mendo’s Bogus Zuckerman Awards

Anderson Valley High School and Fort Bragg High School have won figurative silver medals -- again this year -- in a US News & World Report competition called Best High Schools.  U.S. News functions as…

Off the Record 1/6/2010

THIS POOR GUY, a walking advertisement for single payer health coverage, was booked into the Mendocino County Jail a few days ago for missing probation appointments, probably because he couldn't lift his tumor off his pillow.…

Back on the Sako Attack

The forces for and against John Sakowicz, Mendocino County public radio's most talked about host, are once again on the march.

Intellectual Recycling

During the slow news week between Christmas and the New Year, every news organization digs up the news events from the previous year and splashes them across the front page one last time. Never mind…

As in Mendo — Family Courts: A System in Decay

When an Alabama family court judge issued an order in March 2008 that Amanda Hodge’s two adopted children remain in her full custody out of concern for their safety, the family court of Monterey County,…

Pass The Red-Tail

The sun was setting, so the light was dim in the woods, but I could see his face well enough, especially with the fire so bright in the foreground. Age-wise, I could have been the…

Goodbye to 2009, Hello to 2010: Year of the Tiger

Once again hands are raised in stupefaction. How could they have missed him — meaning in this case Umar Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian bomber on that flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. Why, his own father —…
