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Posts published in “Essays”

Allman comes “Face2Face”

Mendocino County’s drug problems are back in the national spotlight, but this time the coverage is favorable thanks to an innovative and potentially money-making computer program targeting teenagers and methamphetamine use.

Grading Ordinance Redux

Back in the early oughts (aka 2000-2001) there were a couple of high profile slides of vineyards onto roadways. The slides caused some people to ask why Mendocino County was the only county in Northern…

I Harmonize With Your Spam

Much of the spam we receive here at is of the fake comment variety--that is, posts disguised as comments arrive in my inbox that say something like: "Man; this is really the best post…

AVHS Hoops Report

Last Tuesday Anderson Valley High School hosted the Laytonville Warriors. The opening game was played by the JV Boys and from the tip-off seemed like the teams were fairly evenly matched. The game was running…

Dr. Fride Leaves Us

Ester Fride, the Israeli scientist who showed that a newborn mammal cannot suckle and survive without a functional cannabinoid messaging system, died on New Year’s Day at the age of 56. The cause was lung…

Farm To Farm

Friday morning was balmy with the southwestern air flow, the kind of weather that makes you feel like you ought to be getting something done at the time of year when maybe you actually ought…

Acting Responsible

Look on the bright side. They finally found a WMD. Not in the desert wastes of Iraq, nor in the cellar of one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces. Not in an Iranian nuclear facility. In Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s underwear.
