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Posts published in “Essays”

Sane Man Walking

"Solvitur ambulando, St. Jerome was fond of saying. To solve a problem, walk around.” — Gregory McNamee After a severely stressful year of extreme physical challenges finally resolved by two successful surgeries, I am once…

Money Worries

Of course, everybody should have been worried a lot sooner than last week because the basic operating system of global banking is accounting fraud, and has become that stealthily, insidiously, for about 15 years now.…

The Soundtrack Of Imperial Revisionism

Now that the salt has finally settled to the bottom of the 2012 movie season popcorn tub, it’s time to pick through the recalcitrant kernels and send them back to the molars for last rites.…

Fishing Season Approvals Near

Representatives from the Pacific Fisheries Management Council and various state agencies were in Eureka last week to hear North Coast fishermen lobby for the ocean salmon fishing season options they favor. The council is considering…

River Views

One hundred seven years ago this spring, my oldest uncle, Jack Macdonald (then 18), woke in the house he’d grown up in here at the family ranch. He ate his breakfast hours before dawn, packed…

A Little Dab’ll Do Ya

When Pebbles Trippet showed me her letter to the AVA (March 27, 2013), I mentioned that Lester Grinspoon, the PC (Pro-Cannabis) Harvard Medical School Professor emeritus of Psychiatry, abjured the use of butane lighters. She…

Uncle David

My uncle David Walton died in China on March 8 at the ripe old age of eighty-seven, just a week ago as I write this, yet I have already received an email with photographs from…
