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Posts published in “Essays”

Who’s In Charge Here?

Americans don’t care to have a wimp in the White House. They’ll take almost any outlandish vulgarity from their commander in chief and give him a positive job-rating. But wimpishness? No. Until Obama, the last…

Pariah Nation

As the tv networks here give unlimited airtime to its apologists, the message rolls out that Israel is permitted every illegal act in the lexicon of international law, from acts of violence against a civilian…

Mendo’s Quirky Early Vote Totals

There were some interesting things about Tuesday's very preliminary election results which should not go unnoticed.

Farm To Farm

The hay fever kicked in this year before I started mowing hay, the lateness mostly due to the rains. They originally said we were supposed to get six inches last Friday, then three inches, then…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Given Tom Smith’s previous powers of recovery from the several near-death experiences in his past, many Valley folks are still shocked at…

Gray Whales Under Fire

Each March, gray whales by the thousands flood into the large lagoons of Baja California’s Pacific coast to give birth. Not this year.

Will Reggae Rising Fall?

It’s uncertain whether the debt-ridden Reggae Rising music festival will be held this year but those who are wondering will find out on June 17. That’s the deadline that Humboldt County has given to Tom…

Greece On Fire (Continued): Those Famously Extravagant Greeks

Previously, I raised a point that is crucial for under­standing the situation of Greece today: that all of the images of Greeks as over-paid, lazy, extravagant, blah blah blah— hit the international media after the…
