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Posts published in “Essays”

Goodbye Tom, Hello Super Bowl LVII

So long, Tom, it’s been an ordeal to watch you win so many Super Bowls and to set so many NFL records. It has been easier to like Aaron Rogers and Patrick Mahomes. Call it…

An Informal History Of Early Mendocino County

Feliz Creek today, where it passes beneath Highway 101 at Hopland is, in the summer, a parched expanse of dry streambed that is barely discernible as a water course. Only when it comes alive in…

Slow Beethoven

A lifelong amateur violinist, Albert Einstein was an avid chamber musician. He would hardly have endeared himself to his fellow players if, when straying from the agreed-upon tempo or missing an entrance, he had tried…

Travels With Wes III

The end of La Nina drought has been like no wet winter I remember in my half century living in The Valley. From the day after Christmas until Wednesday ten days ago over three weeks…

Mexico: Final Reflections

Time after time I tell myself I won’t travel to Mexico again. But time after time I return to Mexico. Once it takes root it’s nearly impossible to detach. The attraction is that it’s another…

Just Like That, No Ford Taurus?

Things you don’t see much of anymore, and other observations: SKATEBOARDS: Gone, down south anyway. I’ve yet to spot even one. ACNE ON TEENS: What happened to zits? Where have all the pimples gone, long…

Jorge Luis Borges: The Vision Of Amber

Being blind and a poet is half way to Homer. If in addition, the blind poet is Argentinian, the path can't be very long. It isn't necessary to sail treacherous seas, nor follow chalky trails…

‘Love It Or Leave It’

It still seems to be a popular bumper strip — “America, love it or leave it!” — and it sticks in the craw as well as to the chromium. Along with its gag writer's glibness,…

Weed BnB

I launched the prototype of a Weed BnB last week and I don't think the first visitors ever stopped smiling or smoking. (I do like to playfully confront obsessive addicts at times, like when I…
