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Posts published in “Essays”

Rough Notes & Random Thoughts

It was unintentional, but I’m happy to have taken the summer off from writing my blog for I know some of you feel the same but that’s not the point. It was a period…

Besieged In Elk

Question: does the desire to save the planet, protect pollywogs, make us carbon happy, and provide for a structure-free coastal viewshed exempt us from evil?

The Squirrel At The Ballgame

At about noon one day last week, I decided on a whim to head down to see the Twins play the Tigers at Target Field. It was pretty much a Toothbrush Trip, where you grab…

Labor Day Heroes

Let's pause for a moment this Labor Day to recognize some of our most important, yet most maligned workers. They're teachers and librarians, police officers and firefighters. They're bus drivers, doctors and nurses. Judges and…

Another Census Undercount

The US census recently finished its national popula­tion count leaving rural residents restless over fears of undercounting since the census data is used to determine how much a tax-paying community receives in federal funding. “In…

Panther Soccer 2010

Every season has its “bumps in the road” and last Monday (Aug 30th) was certainly one for the young Panther team. We traveled to Cloverdale, a team we had beaten 9-1 last season, and on…

Sports Notes

Sports Notes The SF 49ers are loaded and should win the weak NFC West Division. They are the odds-on favorite to win the NFC West and have a reasonable shot at winning their conference and…

Pie Bake 2010

Pie Bake 2010 The first time I made my very own homemade apple pie, I was ecstatic. There is nothing as satisfying as making you own pie crust and filling it with crisp apples. —…

Poor People

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” — Anne Frank On my way out to water the garden, the living room radio tuned to our…
