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Posts published in “Essays”

Who’ll Get “Sacrificed?” “Legalizers” Look to 2012

A week after the election, pro-cannabis reform activists held a get-together in Denver that some modestly referred to as a "summit meeting." They defined the yes vote for Prop 19 (46%) as a victory and…

Operation Full Court Press

A reliable source comments on Sheriff Allman's $1.5 million estimated budget ("which does not include costs of restoration or contingencies") for the Mendocino County National Forest "Full Court Press" campaign:  "This has all grown out…

Problem Solving, School Board Style

The Anderson Valley School Board seems to have satisfied itself that the complaints of Ernie Pardini, football coach John Toohey and other local football advocates, presented at the stormy October Board meeting, have been resolved.…

The Greater Traitor

As an Irish-American, I ask myself, which of the two is the greater Judas to his nation: the Irish prime minister, Brian Cowen, or the American president, Barack Obama? Both of them are carrying out…

Two Roads

The Christmas tree is decorated.  The presents under the tree are mounting. We're in a flurry of cookie baking & decorating, wrapping presents and eating candy canes. Meanwhile, Julian Assange has his head in the…

Julian Assange: Wanted by the Empire, Dead or Alive

The American airwaves quiver with the screams of parlor assassins howling for Julian Assange's head. Jonah Goldberg, contributor to the National Review, asks in his syndicated column, “Why wasn't Assange garroted in his hotel room…

Blood in the Vineyards

William Crawford is the target of a personal injury lawsuit brought by Nicolas 'Nick' Fross. Crawford owns McDowell Valley Vineyards in Hopland. Fross, a former lineman for Mendocino College, was stabbed in the chest at…

The Listserves Go “Off-List”

The "Listserves" hosted by the Mendocino School District’s private internet outfit known as Mendocino Community Network are heavily underwritten out of Mendocino's public school funds. Which is the real issue here, not that anyone has…
