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Posts published in “Essays”

Tribes Sue Over Desert Solar Sites

On January 7, a confederation of native American groups sued the federal government over the location of six planned Solar sites. According to court documents, the projects include the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Project (Bright…

All or Nothing

I’ve often thought ALL OR NOTHING could be our national motto, for the concept infects virtually every aspect of our political, economic, social, and emotional lives.

The Tucson Memorial: Politics is Everywhere

Last Wednesday night’s memorial in the McHale Arena at the University of Arizona did strike me as slightly strange, like an Irish wake that had prematurely transitioned into the later boisterous phase. The offbeat tone…

Memo of the Week

Bruce Anderson, plaintiff, versus Kendall Smith et al, defendants.

Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune

In December 1966, Phil Ochs appeared on a one-hour television program entitled The Rebel Songwriter on WNDT-TV in New York City. A small studio audience was on hand to listen and ask questions. Host Dennis…

‘They Could All Be Yellow Squares’

County CEO Carmel Angelo was not talking about conservative Asians but the reduced number of board meetings called for 2011 to the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors.

“Did they kill him, too?”

Today is the day we observe the life of Martin Luther King Jr.  My boy woke up feeling under the weather, so we cuddled up in front of the computer to watch some youtube videos…

Farm to Farm

When are you leaving? they been asking me for months now. Oh, about a week, I've been saying for months. Last Saturday morning I sat having coffee at Mosswood Market when it finally became farewell.…
