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Posts published in “Essays”

Yes, But…

“If there's not drama and negativity in my life, all my songs will be really wack and boring or something.” --Eminem For many people, December is the most neurotic month; and Christmas marks the apogee…

Slam Dunking Ukiah Ratepayers

The Ukiah City Council, as predicted, slam dunked the ratepayers and gave the City waste hauler everything it could hope for in a twenty year deal for the City's waste collection and operation of the…

Gadgets, Rube Goldberg and Native American Studies

It's a beautiful December. The little man is gadgeting. The teenager is neck deep in Rube Goldberg machines. My boyfriend is recovering from some strange chemical reactions, but he has recovered and is back to…

Suddenly It’s Newt

Slapstick depends on repetition. The clown always slips in the pile of elephant crap, inevitably walks into the ladder. By such standards Mitt Romney is now the un­disputed slapstick king of America. About every four…

The Lost Glories Of The Great Castrati

There is no such thing as old music. Regardless of when a piece was composed, it comes to life only at the moment when someone plays or sings it. Music only exists as sound, even…

The Problem With J. Edgar

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s long time chief, J Edgar Hoover, was in a sense “family” for me. He was a presence, heavy and omniscient, like a bad uncle. In the 1920s, during the infamous…


In my youth, many if not most budding musicians had to fight their way through a lot of opposition, such as parents or other authority figures urging them to stop this nonsense and get a…

Occupy State Parks?

David Gurney, independent journalist, slammed the state of California's winter closure of Sugarloaf Ridge State Park in Sonoma County — and pondered whether state parks proposed for closure will be turned over to private interests,…

Feds Win A Pot Ruling

A series of lawsuits have been filed by medical marijuana advocates attempting to halt an ongoing federal crackdown on dispensaries and a ruling last week favored the feds. In a federal court case filed by…
