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Posts published in “Essays”

Looking For James Dean

If you go, take a full day trip to go round trip. September is the best time to go. That's a qualified best time because it's the James Dean Memorial Junction — where State 46…

Something’s In The Air

Prison is a hustler's paradise where only the strong survive. It's full of buyers and sellers and everyone is a con-artist.

Election Industry In Crisis As Romney Romps Home

He stuck his foot in his mouth a couple of times in the final days, but on Tuesday millionaire Mormon Mitt Romney cantered past the winning post in the New Hamp­shire primary with 39% of…

Four Days On The Campaign Trail In 2012

When I picked up my press credential at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, New Hampshire for the ABC News Republican Primary Debate on a clear Saturday night in January, I expected to be steered to…

Solomon & Donahue In Mendo

Last Monday, January 9, an overflow crowd of eight-score or more gathered at Ukiah’s Saturday Afternoon Clubhouse for an appearance by Phil Donahue. The legendary television host was screening his film and lending support to Northcoast congressional candidate Norman Solomon.

Crazy Memory

I used to know a loquacious drunk who punctuated his pontifications with the disclaimer, “Of course, memories are, at best, only fair approximations of what actually happened, so please don’t quote me.”

Occupy Hendy Woods 2.0

Agreeing that “reality has kicked in,” Kathy Bailey appeared before the Anderson Valley Community Services District's Budget Committee last Wednesday to discuss the looming closure of Hendy Woods State Park, Anderson Valley's premier tourist attraction.…

T-ball and MLK

I just signed the little man up for T-ball. I am going to be a T-ball mom. How radical is that? Yes, well it is what it is. My 19 year old anarchist self would…

The Deranged Chorus

A Catholic former US senator from Pennsylvania once rated the dumbest man in the US Congress crested Tuesday night in Iowa’s see-saw battle among candidates for the Republican nomination and ran a virtual tie with…
