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Posts published in “Essays”

Marijuana Initiatives Max Out

With 3 legalization initiatives and 1 medical marijuana regulation initiative all aiming for the same 2012 ballot and competing for the same scarce funds, none of them have been able to raise the $2 million…

The Cash Behind the Bypass

We recently ran a letter by Willits citizens Donna Kerr and Bob Whitney, representing “Mendocino County Citizens For Responsible Transportation,” describing how misallocated transportation funds are being used for the Willits Bypass for “political” reasons…

Sunspots & Republicans

Suddenly the right has gone truly crazy. It must be sunspots. We’re three years into sunspot cycle number 24 and it crests in activity with 59 sunspots in early 2013, the weakest sunspot cycle in…

A Meth Maker’s Tale

I'd like to explain to you how I began to cook methamphetamine at the young and very impressionable age of 17. It was all unintentional, you see, and from the very beginning it's not what I set myself up to do.

The Voices & Views Of One Side

NPR National Public Radio. National Pay or Play Radio. Spring Pledge Drive, 2012. Hosts beg and cajole on air hour after hour, day after day for money. They creatively and with cool music in the…

Signs Of Spring

“I am for an art that is political-erotical-mystical, that does something other than sit on its ass in a museum.” — Claes Oldenburg Harbor seals have returned to the mouth of Big River, sleek silver…

Local Food Movement: Mendo & Beyond, Part II

In the first installment of this two-part series, the participants discussed the factors in their individual lives that influenced them to dedicate themselves to their present work, the barriers to a local food economy that…

Important Guidelines for Co-Parenting:

As a part of the "Parenting Apart" workshop I had to attend when I was getting divorced, I was given a packet of all sorts of materials. Of everything I received or read during that…

The IWW Legacy

The Occupy Wall Street Movement and the other anti-capitalist forces of today could find no greater inspiration than the Industrial Workers of the World – the IWW, one of the most influential organizations in U.S.…
