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Posts published in “Essays”

Radical Convergence At Post-Modern Museum

The cover of the SF Weekly’s Fall Arts Guide (9/5-11) trumpeted “Radical CLASSICAL — local chamber musicians are leading a global revolution.” The featured string quartet, Classical Revolution, looking more like informally dressed jazz musicians…

Reine Claude (Green Gage) Plums by Anne Fashauer

My aunt and uncle had a small orchard outside the house where I now live and in that orchard are two plum trees that occasionally deliver some of the tastiest plums around - green gage…

Labor Day 2012

John Stephens on the rich person's view of the poor: “They just can't understand what a terrible burden it is to have money.” I’m a semi-regular at a restaurant/cafe in Sausalito. It’s convenient, the food’s…

River Views

My name is Malcolm and I’m an ice cream addict. During summer and fall I’m often able to sate my needs with homemade product made from a recipe in the 1941 edition of America’s Cook…

The Wine Detective

On a recent afternoon in her Cow Hollow apartment in San Francisco, Maureen Downey lines up on her dining room table an array of likely forgeries, all procured from clients' personal collections. The cork on…

Cheating Heart

“It’s like deja-vu all over again.” — Yogi Berra My recent essay Cheating elicited several responses from readers wishing to share more examples of cheaters in high places, cheating as an integral part of our…

Paul Bunyan Pillow-fight and Parade 2012

The littlest pillow-fighters. The kid in the red shirt was no joke. Slow and steady won this race. Our boy readying for battle. Facing off with a female. An action shot. My kid is the…

Underachievers, Please Try Harder

Up A Twee: When feeling sad in a natural way, which is about 99% of the time since the Dodgers traded for Adrian Gonzalez and Hanley Ramirez, I play Camera Obscura on the stereo and…

That’ll Be Fine

Doug Fine paid a return visit to Mendonesia last weekend promoting his latest book and lending support to some of the individuals and organizations he chronicled while living in Mendocino County, as he followed the cannabis industry from seed to patient.
