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Posts published in “Essays”

Punker Than Thou

I saw an old-school “punk rocker” on the street the other day — one with the full spiked-out mohawk hairstyle, in addition to the beat-up, torn, paint-spackled, button-strewn black jacket and pants and boots. “How…

My Big Trip

In 1976, when I was twenty-six and working as a landscaper in southern Oregon, my big dream was go to New York and meet my literary agent Dorothy Pittman for the first time, and also say hello to the magazine editors at Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, and Gallery who had bought my short stories; and to rub shoulders, I hoped, with others of my kind.

King: I Have A Dream. Obama: I Have A Drone.

A simple twist of fate has set President Obama’s second Inaugural Address for January 21, the same day as the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday. Obama made no mention of King during the Inauguration…

Lake County Journalos Sue Sheriff

The California Newspapers Publishers Association announced this week that a small Internet — based media outlet is suing Lake County Sheriff Frank Rivero for discrimination. In a lawsuit filed in Lake County Superior Court, John…

Beat Poets, Acid Gurus, The Governor & Me

A local saloon changing owners is rarely front-page news in the big city, but the recent sale of Tosca, in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, has received much attention. The much-beloved establishment had reportedly been…

River Views

January 16th marks 225 years since Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment…

Four Hundred Thousand

Do you earn $400,000 of taxable income in a year? Have you ever earned $400,000 in a single year? Do you have friends who earn or have ever earned $400,000 in a year? I thought not; nor do I have friends earning that kind of money, though I do know some certifiably wealthy people.

Making A Life, But Not A Living

Oxnard — Lucrecia Camacho comes from Oaxaca, and speaks Mixteco, one of the indigenous languages and cultures of Mexico that were hundreds of years old before the arrival of the Spaniards. Today she lives in…

A Kraken Awakes

Ed note: This book wasn't born in Boonville but it was birthed here on the Miner-Anderson Ranch east of town. * * * The big book of 2013, just published by Knopf, is “American Tropic”…
