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Posts published in “Essays”

Reggae Fest Gets Go-Ahead

An appeal of the Reggae on the River festival’s county permit was denied by a majority of the Board of Supervisors but traffic flow conditions at the event’s main entrance remain a concern. Capping a…

Continental Drift

In the fall of 1970, my family — version 3.0 — was winging its way to Europe. To explain the “upgrade,” which it was in no wise at all, I'll take a stab at revisiting…

Muse Rides Again

From the age of twenty-one until I was fifty, with only a few brief respites, I wrote many novels, most of them never published.

The Perils Of Cycling In Rabies Country

I left my baggage at a hostel in central Cuenca and rode east, on a small quiet highway that climbed into the beautiful green hills and would eventually lead over a small mountain range and…

Online Dating: What Do Women Want?

Am I admitting this? Yes, I guess so. I've been married (using the term loosely) twice, have four grown kids and four grandchildren. Not a particularly lonely guy and certainly not a crusty bachelor of…

Realigning HumCo

Midway into its second year, the county’s prison/jail realignment program has increased rehabilitation assistance but law enforcement officials have said it’s also led to increases in crime. So far the evidence is anecdotal. City and…

Grunting & Punting

The first bad sign is Tuesday before the game. Speaking before a tangle of sweaty flesh and Japanese electronics plastered with the corporate logos of “news outlets” 49er receiver Randy Moss says: “Now that I'm…

The Twinkie Defense,The Pope & Jonestown

Dan White’s Twinkie Defense spurred my decision to move to California. I'd vacationed in Berkeley and had headed home to Iowa. I boarded at SFO while the jury was still in deliberation over White’s future.…

The Military-Football Complex

The Military-Football Complex becomes more sinister every year. One should never be fooled into thinking the apogee of cynicism has been reached when the first Sunday in February rolls around and the beast’s infernal machinations…
