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Posts published in “Essays”

Blood in the Vineyards

William Crawford is the target of a personal injury lawsuit brought by Nicolas 'Nick' Fross. Crawford owns McDowell Valley Vineyards in Hopland. Fross, a former…

The Listserves Go “Off-List”

The "Listserves" hosted by the Mendocino School District’s private internet outfit known as Mendocino Community Network are heavily underwritten out of Mendocino's public school funds.…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all — if you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Well done to The Boonville Hotel! Owner Johnny Schmitt, staff, and…


“If only we’d stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.” — Edith Wharton November thirtieth. The weather report said Mendo­cino…

Water Heritage, Water Testament

Last evening, I attended a wake for a water resource that is every bit as precious to northern Californians as their rivers, aquifers, streams, lakes,…

Farm To Farm

We were still effectively lost on the slopes of Hatchet Mountain, two pilgrims packing garbage bags stuffed with moist, freshly-harvested marijuana, probably tres­passing with every…

Sports Notes

Congratulations to both Flick McDonald and Steve Sparks for coaching their respective Girls' Volleyball and Boys' Soccer teams to Championship seasons for the Anderson Valley…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So how was your Turkey Day? Exces­sive and over-the-top, I hope. Here…

My Black Heroes

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibil­ity that comes with his freedom.” — Bob Dylan The black athlete I am currently most enamored of…
