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Posts published in “Essays”

At Last! The Head of Ghad… General Younis

It is surely one of the great strategic screw-ups in the history of war and intelligence analysis. In March, after the second UN Security Council…

Children & Seniors? Eh. Fish? Save ‘Em!

As last week's meeting wound down, the Supervisors delivered their typically terse, minimally-informative “supervisors reports.” Pinches sits on the Mendocino Transit Authority Board, but he’s…

Life With The Lifers

AVA, This is Tony B., still at San Quentin Hotel, Resort and Spa (SQHRS), live with the lifers, still having a great time. I am…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 13

A concrete stairwell provided an interesting place for me to play my guitar, an old Martin that belonged to a good friend, Harry Jackson, who…

Apocalypse Nigh?

In these scandal-sodden weeks it’s been tough to write passionately about the fight over deficit reduction. I look up from some wearisome bulletin on the…

I Saw Timmy Pitch

I am nearly 32 and though I was raised by a die-hard Giants fan, but my affinity for them is recent.  I am one of…

NATO’s Debacle In Libya

After three and a half months of bombing and arms supply to various rebel factions, NATO's failure in its efforts to promote "regime change" in…

Aliens From Outer Space

So this morning I was listening to a radio interview of a reporter for the New York Times, and she laid out clear and irrefutable evidence of how the crooks took over our government and the banking system and didn’t even try to hide what they were doing—massive theft in broad daylight, so to speak.

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 12

I had gone to bed secure in the knowledge that tomorrow would be Saturday and the prison would be on its free and easy weekend schedule. A light breakfast wouldn't be served until 7:00 AM and if you wanted to sleep in, there would be a brunch at 10:30. I was rudely awakened at 3:30 AM with a firm shake of my foot by a black, female duty-guard.

Logging Little River Airport

Before the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors got down to the equivalent of a bake sale on the Titanic's poop deck last Tuesday, a group…

Hamburg & The Bubble Bath People

After last week's County Redistricting Committee meeting was adjourned, Supervisor Dan Hamburg ambled in to privately discuss the Committee’s work with a few of the…
