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Posts published in “Essays”

Occupy Yourself

In 1972, when I was in my early twenties, I founded a commune in Santa Cruz, California, a collective of eight people (with numerous and frequent overnight guests). We were disenchanted with American society, with America’s wars of aggression, with America’s pyramidal scheme of things, and with America’s environmentally disastrous use of the land, so we decided to explore new (to us) and regenerative ways to interface with the world rather than follow in the destructive footsteps of our parents and forefathers.

Boonville Makes History

Boonville made history simply by showing up at Kezar Stadium last Saturday night. Stuart Hall made half that history but they may have wished they…

Occupy Hendy Woods

Kathy Bailey, bless her all her days, argued for Hendy Woods at last week's meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Here, she responds to Supervisor…

Memo Of The Week

October 24, 2011 — Mendocino County Assessor-Clerk Recorder, Susan M. Ranochak announced: “Two errors were made by my office and discovered after publication within the…

Imperial Massacres

Denied post mortem imagery of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the world now has at its disposal photographs of Muammar Qaddafi, dispatched with a…

The Candidates, AV School Board Election 2011

For the next two weeks, our local interviews will adopt a different theme. I shall be interviewing the five candidates who are seeking election to…

Harbaugh & The 9’ers

It is clear now that Jim Harbaugh is an enthusiastic and excellent coach. Perhaps, though, that is an understatement. He is an exuberant coach who…

The Civic Center

Come Fly Away the marquee read, A sign below said, eat the rich, Or, taxiderm them, another said, Ol’ Blue Eyes began to twitch To…

Recent Studies Show

Marcia and I both have web sites and use the interweb for research, marketing, entertainment, and communication with the world outside of Mendocino. Her office and mine are separated by a wall through which we occasionally shout at each other, though we can never be certain what the other person is shouting about until one or the other of us rises from his or her chair and walks around the corner to find out; or we send each other emails.

The Soccer Choruses Of Anfield

For an American musical expatriate with ample means and the right connections that money brings, a musical tour of Europe might include Wagner in Bayreuth…

The Major v. The Committee

Major Scaramella, as readers may recall, was somehow — probably by mistake — appointed to the School District’s structurally pointless school bond “oversight committee” last…
