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Posts published in “Essays”

Fukushima & Your Fish

It’s now over three and a half years since the earthquake-triggered nuclear disaster in Japan, and concerns regarding the impacts continue. In Japan itself, the impacts have been huge and disastrous indeed, depending on location…

Florence Under The Influence

Each day in Florence begins simply enough. After the breakfast dishes and setting out washing to dry on the terrace (dryers are still not in common use by most Florentine citizens), we walk down to…

Little Sisters & Heartless Older Brothers

Lucky and Cherry lived on the second floor of an old two family house in Newark, New Jersey. Above them was the unfinished attic with its casement windows, which would be blown open by strong…

Mendocino Talking: Doug Mosel

Since landing in Mendocino County, Doug Mosel has involved himself in several worthwhile community projects: running the successful Measure H campaign against GMOs; co-founding the Agriculture & Ecology Hour on KZYX; and most recently creating the Mendocino Grain Project where he farms, mills and distributes locally-grown grains and flour to CSA members of the project and local stores.

The Earl Butz Memorial Trio

As a guy who made a life (more or less) of playing guitar in various contexts including working bands, I still tend to spontaneously think of names for musical groups on a regular basis. Some,…

Going Native

Utopia isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. When Boonville resident Ken Montgomery arrived here 36 years ago, he hadn’t read the fine print in the Utopian Primer that specified making a living was…

Stockholm Syndrome

In the days following the latest American election, I found myself musing about why so many people voted for so many cruel, stupid, shortsighted representatives and approved propositions designed to destroy our environment and our healthcare system? Why would millions of people elect the kinds of representatives who have done nothing but wreck our society for the past fifty years? Can we chock this up to mass stupidity? I used to think we could, but this election caused me to seek a slightly more sophisticated explanation, and though I may be wrong, here is what I came up with. America suffers from a severe case of the Oslo Syndrome.

Panther Soccer: League Champs!

The AV Boys soccer postseason play-offs continued last week in Boonville at the home of the #1 seeded Panthers. The semi-final saw Tomales come to town on Wednesday afternoon in a rematch, the Braves having…
