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Posts published in “Essays”

AV Rents & Wages

A few weeks ago a client asked me to fill a rental vacancy for her.  I posted the home on Craigslist and on the local Facebook page for Anderson Valley, Boont-Swap. A bit of a…

British Columbia By Rail

People who love riding trains realize in this 21st century the lines are vanishing. If you suspect a spectacular stretch of rail travel is in danger of eliminating passenger service you GET There and RIDE…

The Stony Lonesome: Happy Anniversary

Happy Double Anniversary to Me! It's a one, two, Jubilee! So pop the corks and pluck the storks and fell the anniversa-tree! So far as I know, there's no actual anniversa-tree, but I see no…

Ego & Muse

As I was sitting by the woodstove last night—this November much colder than last—scribbling away on my latest something, I was struck by how little connection I feel to the books and stories and plays I’ve written over the last forty years, or even to the book I finished writing earlier this year.

A Singing Death

I always find it curious when moderns harp on the of problem opera’s verisimilitude. Theorists of the genre began to grapple with such objections as soon as the genre was hatched as a rebirth of…

Getting Off The Pharmaceuticals

In the last 20 years there has been a proliferation of psychiatric drugs prescribed in the United States, not only by psychiatrists but by general practitioners. Anti-depressants, specifically SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like Prozac have become commonplace, and anti-anxiety medications are also popular. Not to be excluded are anti-psychotics used mostly for psychosis and schizophrenia.

No One Ever Intends to Suffer

We can all agree on some basic facts: Eureka is a seaside town, rundown in some places, charming in others, dotted here and there with the stately form of some impressive architecture. There’s often fog.…

Prejudice & Mistaken Identity

It’s not unusual, however unfair, for people to look askance at outsiders who dress, talk, or act differently, especially if they come in groups. One such group, commonly known as Gypsies, have been maligned, even…
