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Posts published in “Essays”

‘I Did Not Have Sex With That Corporation’ Redux

I've been engaging the squares again on the internet. There is a triumvirate of obtuse right-wing self-declared patriots and all-around Good Americans (in the sense of Hitler's "Good Germans"), who have been sparring with me…


In the film “Papa: Hemingway in Cuba” a young Miami reporter, who began life as an orphan, a runaway who idolized Hemingway most of his life and copied his short stories to teach himself to…

Sad Scary

Now that the people of California have spoken at the polls and assured the nomination of the poster girl for Monsanto, fracking, endless war, tax breaks for the wealthy, the continuing ruination of the lower eighty per cent of Americans, and the destruction of the biosphere, I feel sad. Where were all the Bernie Sanders supporters? The vote wasn’t even close, not that very many people voted.

The Bewildered Pig: An Interview with Janelle & Daniel

Daniel and Janelle are long time Mendocino County devotees. Daniel began visiting Anderson Valley over twenty years ago. He brought Janelle here for the first time thirteen years ago, zig-zagging her through the bucolic, tree-lined…

Festival Time Is Here

The third weekend in June each year means music festival time in Boonville, in the form of the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival. The SNWMF is so titled as it began 23 years ago in…

Bernie & Beethoven

When Bernie Saunders informed Rolling Stone last year that he “really loves music” and that his tastes were “eclectic,” I believed what he said. In his short interview with the magazine there was no evidence…

Election Notes

Over half of Tuesday’s Mendo votes remain uncounted. We’re not surprised to see the now annual vote count disclaimer from the Elections office, and will spare you, dear reader, the County Clerk's implausible annual litany of…

Perchance To Dream

Ah, bed. Clean, crisp sheets, a good book, and the prospect of eight restorative hours freestyling the Lethe. As a person who has spent roughly 5,000 nights on hard prison cots, another couple of thousand…
