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Posts published in “Essays”

Sailing Out Of Willits (Part 2)

Just woke up from a short siesta in my bunk where the air is so stale and still it rubs against my body when I move…cruising feels like this constant state of recovering from the flu. It can make you feel so lethargic, and I’m spending too much time on my back, not to mention my ass!

The Definitive Word On Pot

I started smoking pot when I was about Bieber’s age. In fact for more than 20 years of my life I would have sworn that marijuana made me smarter, wiser, more moral, and probably even…

Bob Kevin Culture

For a few weeks this past summer people kept asking me what I thought about Kevin Durant deciding to leave Oklahoma City to come to California and play for the Golden State Warriors, and lately people keep asking me what I think about Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. Now that the basketball season has officially begun, the Kevin Durant question has resurfaced, and yesterday two more people asked me what I thought about Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize.

A Trip To Tweakerland

You — and by “you,” I mean everybody, not any specific demographic, strata, gender, party, orientation. proclivity, or inclination, even the verdammt Dodger nation I will include in this “you” (they should all with their…

Screen Time

Dipping into the national news for the first time in some months, I found several articles about the American Academy of Pediatrics rescinding most of their previous suggestions that parents limit the number of hours their infants, toddlers, older children, and teens interface with media-blasting computer gizmos with screens. The pediatricians decided they were being too alarmist about how damaging computers and other television-like devices can be to the brains and psyches of infants and children and teens. Now, say the pediatricians, basing their new guidelines on no credible science, parents should feel fine about children watching as much media garbage as they want.

Anna’s Treasure

Late last May, out of a clear blue sky, and seemingly normal health, I developed a head ache one morning. The headache grew by noon into a pounder with shivering feet unaccountably accompanying sweat beads…

Charles Shaw Fishing

My friend and client Ed Beard told me about a new couple in the Napa Valley. They had bought a small parcel and built a small winery and home. Ed suggested to me that they…

Flattery Will Get You Somewhere On Hwy 20

So, you've gotten old. (If you are young, please disregard; clip this column and place it in the family Bible where you're likely to come across it in your dotage as you search for solace,…
