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Posts published in “Essays”

‘Downtown Watch’

A large fir has uprooted and fallen across the footbridge directly in front of the Russian Gulch waterfall. For me that's the biggest takeaway in a week filled with Fort Bragg City Council, Mendocino Coast…


I recently watched several interviews with people attending the inauguration of Donald Trump, and I had to keep reminding myself these were not actors in Saturday Night Live skits, nor had clever cynics written the bewildering dialogue. These were real men and women, old and young, gay and straight, who were excited enough about the election of Donald Trump to travel great distances to witness the swearing in.

Uncle Wild Hair

You know the feeling you get when you casually flip on a light switch—the manner in which all of us nearly always do it, nonchalantly brushing it with the back of the hand or the…

Goodbye Fort Wayne

I sat in my dad’s house, empty except for a chair and the phone. It had taken me weeks to sort it out, clear it out, give a lot away, ship books, letters, photos, and…

Why The Dems Lost

Trip Gabriel, the New York Times reporter, found many Trump signs in the front yards of loyal union members who had been Democrats. Don’t waste your time worrying about Russian hacks or FBI sabotage or…

Floodwaters Still Rise

Every year, for more than two decades, the Elk River in Humboldt County has risen out of its banks following rainstorms of even moderate intensity, vomiting torrents of mud and gravel across dozens of properties…

Coming At Us From All Sides

It’s all but final now. Last efforts to force Roselle’s City Council to produce a detailed environmental impact statement have failed. The woods across the street are history. Surveyors have appeared in recent weeks as…
