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Posts published in “Essays”

The 26th Annual AV Variety Show

No matter who is in the White House, each year spring rolls around. Or at least it has so far. We don’t know what the Russians have in store for us next year. Those practical…

Cardinals Place Second, and Move On

The Mendocino High girls varsity basketball squad continued their extraordinary season last week  in mixed fashion last week, convincingly beating Emery in the opening game of NCS playoffs before losing the League title match against…

Life In Nicaragua

My husband Walter and I have been living in Dario, Nicaragua since 2004, when I retired from teaching Spanish, and my mother passed away. Walter grew up on a ranch in western Nicaragua, so he…

Dawn In The Redwoods

As we hoofed it down the county road, towards the logging gate and the main stage, the marchers sang the chorus and verses of "This Land is Our Land." Some had strap-on drums to beat. Some carried signs. Tears streamed down our cheeks. The effect overwhelmed both of us, but my pregnant girlfriend more.

Mendo’s Pot Program Budget

We recently asked the County’s CEO office a few questions about how the County was handling the budget for the new medical marijuana permit program. Deputy CEO (and County Budget Specialist) Alan ‘The Kid’ Flora…
