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Posts published in “Essays”

There Are No Bakers Any More

Alvin Benstein, proprietor of Benstein's Bakery, was a fireplug of a man. He had played football at Abraham Clark High in Roselle along with New York Giant legend Roosevelt Grier. There were autographed photos of "Rosey" with his arm around Alvin on the walls of the bakery.

Every Last Drop

The first meeting of the Board of the Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Board was Wednesday, May 10. This is a state-mandated “Joint Powers Agency” formed in response to the California Sustainable Groundwater Management…

Vigilante Justice

It's a fine thing to be respected and admired. I mean, I guess it must be. It sounds cool. Oh, I'm not universally despised or anything, and during lapses in my campaign to destroy myself,…

My African Queen

Ok, she’s really my new Honda Africa Twin but riding and reading being parallel passions, how could my mind not drift during this afternoon’s ride to Ernest Hemingway’s ride with Debba, the compelling African Wakamba…

Sonoma Clean Power Play

What if the revolution came, and we missed it because we tossed out the announcement? Seems like that’s what happened last month, when PG&E customers in Mendocino County got word that the utility no longer…

Presumed Dead

We are deep into the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2017 playoffs. Every once in awhile when I watch Klay Thompson or Steph Curry swish another three-pointer I'm reminded of the ABA. Yes, millenials, there once…

Status: Deceased

I have an excellent moneymaking idea, one sure to rake in millions, and as I plan to outline it here in this space I'm going to need to trust every single one of you not…
