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Posts published in “Essays”

‘What Do You Do All Day?’

An old friend recently asked me, after I told him I was retired, “What do you do all day?” He asked me in an email, so I didn’t have to defend myself right away, or…

Oh Willie, Where Art Thou?

To think that in this America a man like Willie Nelson has the right, yes, the right, to choose who he supports in an election! How dare he assert his right as an American to…

Meeting of the Minds

“Bring a large piece of uncooked meat with you when you come,” said the gruff voice on the phone. I thought it a rather odd and nonspecific request for a luncheon date but acceded, thinking…

Bre’r Rabbit & The Political-Media Complex

Forget about the famed military-industrial complex of the Eisenhower years. It isn’t what it was. Yes, we have a military, but the industrial complex was shipped to China years ago. In current times, the political-media…

Did Bach Lose The Cold War?

Can the credits wreck a film? I’m not talking about choking on a popcorn kernel when you see that the best boy happens to be the same guy who ran off with your wife. The…

The Great Comptche Fire of 1931

Somewhere on a shadowy shelf, amid the dusty books and pamphlets here at the ranch, rests a newspaper from eighty-seven years ago. On those faded pages, no photos to spark the imagination, just words to…

We Are The People Of The Fire

Wildfires are old news. They’ve been old news for as long as humans have told stories about wildfires and tried to tame them, along with almost everything else that was wild. As soon as there…
