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Posts published in “Essays”

Burning Man Pyrotechnics

Pyrotechnics: the art, craft and science of fireworks. Want to see it done incredibly? Go to Burning Man where people LOVE to blow up things. So first, some background on fireworks. This is where your…

One Year Anniversary of Being Home

One year ago today on Sept 15, 2018 I got home from rehab from the Bay Area. I remember that day well, we had practiced getting me into the car

Capt. Richardson & Rancho Albion

One of the islets that form the Wake Atoll in the tropical Pacific is named for Charles Wilkes. Mostly lost to history now, in 1839 Lt. Wilkes led the United States Exploring Expedition, or U.S.…

Good Sam Strikes Again

Cars have, since their very inception and notwithstanding either the futurists’ fanciful flights nor a few ill-advised and poorly conceived attempts at producing an amphibious vehicle, been designed and engineered for movement on and across…

‘Do You Know My Name?’

I was standing at the edge of the public park in Point Arena. The two friends I had come with were walking ahead of me, immersed in their own conversation. I had gotten my two…

It Sucks To Be Duped

Journalists are drawn to their underappreciated profession for the same reason all artists are—by a compulsion that has to be wrestled to ground in long hours of solitude between the afflicted and a mess of…

Whose Voice Is It Anyway?

I realized I wanted to be a voice actor at my mother’s funeral. Dramatic, but true. I had been playing with the idea for quite a while but it was this event that pulled my…

Patriots Make America Great Again

Bridgewater, Massachusetts, Opening Day 9-8-19, Steelers at Patriots, pregame – As often happens here in the South Shore, sugaring starts right around Super Bowl time, early February, when it’s below freezing at night, but daytime…
