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Posts published in “Essays”

Proverbs of My People

A man’s what he is, not what he used to be Never pray for a new king A job is fine but it takes too…

Say What?

Say what, and to whom, and why? Such are the questions being asked these days by those who want to say something. And those questioning…

Money Loves Company

The first rich man to say yes to Ramparts was Irving Laucks, a vivacious 81-year-old who had a nine-year-old son, a millionaire to the tenth…

A Little Christmas Tale

The excitement of Christmas in our post-war family of six was more than a little girl could stand. There were no extravagant gifts. My plasterer…

Ed Denson & The Pot War Days

Ed Denson was still a relative newcomer to southern Humboldt when he arrived in the 1980s. He had spent most of his adult life in…

Triggering Handel

The goal of baroque composers was to trigger the emotions. Yet many moderns enjoy this music because they hear it is unthreatening. To them, the…

Stephanie’s Walk

My wife was kinda short and pudgy, with an egg-shaped face. She was cute as could be, gorgeous to me, but an uncommon combination of…

Joy To The World

It is an amazing, humbling thing to be alive in our time and in our place. It is almost beyond comprehension. It borders on magical.…

The Sporting Spirit

Now that the brief visit of the Dynamo football team has come to an end, it is possible to say publicly what many thinking people…
