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Posts published in “Essays”

Chief Naulty’s Primary Duty

Twenty-five days (as of last week) into an historic statewide lockdown, Fort Bragg is feeling the strain. Like Mendocino County as a whole, the town is seeing a marked surge in interfamily disputes, domestic violence,…

Bar Fights

Like his father before him, Terence Hallinan was prevented from practicing law by the California Bar Association. Vincent Hallinan's  license had been suspended for three years (1957-1960) after he was convicted of federal income tax…

The Rest of the Sheriff’s Story

I read with great interest Chris Calder’s two great articles back to back on Sheriff Kendall in the Anderson Valley Advertiser. What spiked my interest was that the Sheriff came to Santa Rosa when he…

Upton Sinclair

Last January, before all hell broke loose, Seven Stories Press republished Upton Sinclair’s 891-page anthology, The Cry for Justice, subtitled An Anthology of Social Protest with the original introduction by Jack London and a new introduction by Chris…

Beetles & Birds

Sitting in the morning sun on the front porch of my house next to the Cascadilla Gorge in Ithaca, New York earlier this week, I listened to a cardinal singing to the accompaniment of the…

Journal of the Plague Year (#4)

Berkeley, 13 April 2020 — It had to happen. And now it has. People, not statistics or anecdotes, have died. They’re people, caught up in the pandemic, who my family knew. One, in his early…

Logan’s Run for President

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned what follows here in this space before, and I hate to repeat myself, but it has particular relevance now. I'd hate to be one of those people who repeats a…
